Summer Is In The World

Summer is in the world

Distribution of the season I mentioned in the previous post, in this post just to repeat and explain more in it, summer is in northern Across occur between the months of May to July, whereas in the southern hemisphere occurs between November and January.

The characteristics of the hot season are: the beautiful plants turned into unusual plants. Eve in the summer only 20% cold and 80% hot. Animals in the summer was out doing activities. And sometimes the occurrence of strong winds and storms of rain also is in the season.

Summer is the one season in temperate countries. Depending on the location of a country, the summer can occur at different times.

In the northern hemisphere, the summer starts around June 21 to 23 September, while in the southern hemisphere summer begins around December 21 until March 21.

In many countries, summer is the summer school holidays. In this season people like to go to the beach for sunbathing. In addition, the summer fruits and herbs are generally full during growth.

A few details about the summer of information in the world, may be useful.

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